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International business infrastructure teleconference in Beijing


The infrastructure taskforce for B20 China this year held its first telephone conference, in Beijing, on Feb 22, with the chairman of the China National Machinery Industry Corp (Sinomach), Ren Hongbin, taking part as chair.

The B20 is an organization for getting the international business community involved in global economic governance and trade rules. The conference gave each representative a chance to air their views on issues put forward and their advice mainly on six issues.

Ren addressed the group by expressing his thanks to the co-chairmen and group members for their support, and described the infrastructure team work and their positive attitude and cooperation spirit then concluded with a summary of the conference results and expressed his thanks to all participants.

He said the group will maintain a positive work attitude to policy proposals of the global business community to submit to the G20 summit, which will be held in the city of Hangzhou this year, for consideration and to contribute to global economic governance and international trade rules.

The teleconference had 54 members and representatives from all over the world taking part and gathered a large number of policy recommendations from business people, providing more material for the work group.

B20 China infrastructure taskforce teleconference, in Beijing, on Feb 22.